How to: IEPs Edition
One of the most important components of special education is the Individualized Education Plan (or IEP for short). If you are a parent of a child with special needs, or if you are a part of the interdisciplinary team in school, you will no doubt run across an IEP at some point... But what is it?? Simply put, an IEP is a plan tailored to a child with identified special needs that helps compensate for any educational or physical deficits by creating modifications within the child's school day. This is typically several pages long, and it can be presented online or via hard copy. Specific IEP modifications may include: Speech or language services occupational therapy physical therapy specialized instruction in one or more subjects classroom modifications (ex: preferential seating, extended time on tests, access to a paraprofessional, etc.) How is a child deemed eligible for an IEP? IEPs are usually put in place through a combination of a doctor's diagnosis, skilled observ...